Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It's that time of year again! Soccer Time! He was able to be on his friend TY's team this year (whose dad is the coach), so that made him happy. They are called The Clarkdale Dragons and he is #4.

This season is different from the last season. They play longer and on a much bigger field. When they had their first game of the season they lost and Mason tells me that he wished he was playing football with his friends. They have since won the next two games so I think that he is now starting to enjoy it more. Mason is doing really well and the last game a coach said," we want to see his birth certificate." He is just very talented when it comes to sports and he is FAST & can KICK the ball FAR. He scored 3 goals at the last game and on the way home he was disappointed that he hadn't scored more than that. He started the season 9-10-11 was the first game and it goes till the Saturday before Thanksgiving. So we have every Saturday booked because the games are later in the day or afternoon.

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