Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Yesturday while we were at our friends house Chase went to sit on the recliner and she said," Hi Chase" and he got in his shy state and went to bend down when he hit her end table. This is what he got. STITCHES!

She tought that he didn't need stitches but then Darren saw it and said you better take him in and the DR looked and said YES. So we were at the DRs office for 2 1/2 hours because they had to squeeze us in. He got 6 stitches and while they were doing it we had to hold him down and he was screaming so loud that my ears hurt after wards. It makes us feel so bad for him. He tells us while he points to it , "ouch".


  1. oh no chase! poor ash, like you guys need another docotor bill! that boy seems accident prone. get better soon big guy!

  2. Poor Chase! Hopefully your insurance covered the stitches. I get my coupons from the courier and from Then I just check the ads every week. I just found out about a website called too that is really good and she tells you what deals are going on and where to get the coupons. You should check it out.
