Sunday, May 4, 2014

Treys first stitches

Tonight right before bed Trey was climbing on the dinning room chairs and somehow fell. We saw him hit his head but it wasn't until he moved his hand that we saw the blood and where he really hit. The Eyebrow!  So off to the urgent care by our house we go. Well they don't stitch faces so they tells to go to the ER. We don't have insurance that covers that. So we remember Phoenix Children's  urgent care by our house thank goodness they do stitches! It will still be pricey just not as much. 

Darren said that he did really good. They numbed it and they gave home 3 stitches. He didn't cry like usual. So the nurses and dr asked, " does he behave this well all the time?" Darren just laughed because Trey is so fussy all the time! When it was all done they had him choose a toy. Darren said he wanted Ken the Barbie but Darren said no that's for girls so he settled for a stuffed Santa Clause.  I know this is just the beginning for stitches to this guy. 

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